Friday, November 12, 2010

Coincidence or Synchronicity

How often lately did you say "What a COINCIDENCE that was...."  and then you realize that really there is no such thing as a "Coincidence".  Then what is it?  Umm...  Could it be that these so called "coincidences" are really Synchronicities?  Did you ever wonder how you got here?  Did you ever wonder why the grass is green and the sky is blue?  Did you ever wonder how you became a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer , a mother or father, a healer etc?  Lots to talk about and think about.  What are you feeling?



    I can remember way before we even heard of caller ID receiving a call from unidentified source and then years later I when we did have caller ID I received a call @ 2 a.m. and returned that call using star 69! There was no such number when I dialed the number. I will never ever forget! One morning not so long ago (thirty-three years) my telephone rang @ 8:30 a.m. My husband had left for work and my new born baby was sound asleep. Upon noticing the time, I raced out of bed to my son's room to find that his crib was about to collapse! The mattress had come unhooked to one of the corners and he was sleeping on a slant! I remain open to receiving messages from all my sources.. Have you had any similar experiences that you can share?

    I wonder what everyone else is feeling out there in this Big World we call "EARTH"? Are you happy, scared, hopeful, excited,in AWE? Are you on a journey? What kind of journey? I am on a spiritual journey and the road is AWESOME! I wish you could see what I am seeing,and what I am hearing! Once I found out that I should take a different route, I found a road less traveled. It would surprise you how you can "Master" many skills once you see "The Light" on this road! LOL The road is open ended at the beginning and goes around and around and around taking me to all the places, people and things I want to see, learn and Master my special gifts and abilities. You have special gifts and abilities as well...We all do. You just have to find the road and get on it. The rest is easy...
    Please share your experience or what your feeling right now. Maybe you found your own road less traveled that we can share? Maybe you are trying and trying and can't find the road? Please share your thoughts with me.

    Love & Light, Grammanet

  3. Nice post! I don't have any particular synchronicity experiences to share at the moment, but have definitely had them! Namaste'

  4. You would be surprised to know maybe that everyday you are presented with synchronicity. Upon my walk with nature today, I thought of my dear friend Donna who passed away in October 2009. I asked her to come to me so I could write about her in my book. Here is what I got:

    My eyes were open but I could not see. My ears were listening but I could not hear. My heart was closed and I could not feel ALL THAT IS!

    Thank you for joining my blog, I would love to hear from you again. Write anything about how your feeling and/or experiencing your life right now. Love & Light...


    My thoughts and ideas are coming in like a tsunami! WOW! I'm trying to organize it all. I'm so proud of everyone on Earth who paid no attention to that guy out there who spent over $100,000 trying to scare you. Beware of much more to come. Darkness will always seek the light. When you feel like you are in the DARK always seek the light and stay in the light. Show others the light.


    There is always a silver lining in every cloud. These scare tactics in a strange way are like the alarm clock buzzing in the morning. It startles you and then YOU WAKE UP!
    This awakening gets you moving into your day, into your life. And so it is with any kind of wake up call such as this. This is good because now you want to know more. How many times have we re-set the alarm over and over again ignoring it all? These are all signs that it is time to WAKE UP and find out what's going on! Sooner or later we feel a need for information and each piece leads us to more information all in hopes of trying to figure it all out.

    December 21, 2012 will too also come and go. But what is this all about anyway. The Earth is evolving and so are you. Are you having trouble putting it all into perspective? Are you worried, scared and feeling anxious about all of this? What about the Wars, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods and, and, and the list goes on? It is overwhelming isn't it?

    I have been on a spiritual path that has answered many questions but always leads me into another question. Each question gets deeper into all that is. Maybe they are the same questions you have? Even though the world IS NOT going to end on December 21st, 2012 there is a reason so much is happening on Earth and maybe someone or something is trying to get your attention. But beware of where your attention goes. It is important to focus on the positive no matter what it is!

    It gets really tricky when our children and grandchildren start asking about the End of the World. I for one.. want to be able to give a simple uplifting explanation. Life has many twists and turns.. bumps and hick ups all the way and each takes us on a path of our choice.

    What are you feeling and experiencing that you want to share?

    Love & Light :)

  6. Always nice to read your inspiring thoughts and feelings. You lift me up just when I need it the most. Thank you for sharing your experiences and encouraging the world to seek the light to discard the darkness that we sometimes may feel.
