Being a mother is absolutely the ultimate of the most extraordinary experiences ONE will ever have! As we all know that the birthing process can be overwhelming but the END RESULT is the GRAND prize and many of us have said we would never have changed anything and we are so pleased we had gone through the process. You will also see this as Mother Earth goes into labor and gives birth. We can all help her make a smoother transition by our participation as a birthing coach.
Absolutely, easier said than done! When you are in pain, emotionally, mentally, physically and/or spiritually - it is very hard to FOCUS! The best way to overcome this is by feeling the pain, fear, anxiety, worry and anything else that you need to face. Acknowledge all of these, accept them and then LET THEM GO!
But if we knew then what we know now...This is the message we need to share with all those who see Mother Earth in process of the birth of a "New Earth". She is in labor and there is no telling how long this process will last.
AND, just like anyone or anything in the birthing process - we don't know exactly what to expect, not to mention the entire process can be long. The body and in this case the Earth will go through major and minor changes before, during, and for some time to come after the birthing process. We are seeing this right now and there is no telling when the next contraction will come and how long or how strong it will be. We do know that if we BREATHE and FOCUS the process is so much easier and graceful.
If you go deep into yourself and rise above all of the chaos, and you do not put your attention on the pain of it all you can bet that's the result you will get. So let it go and put your total FOCUS on the end result and visualize in detail what you see as your NEW EARTH...OMG it is so amazing and so beautiful. Once the birth is complete we will FOCUS on our incredible future together as ONE!
Love & Light :)